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Anyone who has neurotoxins injected into themselves to kill off nerves and muscles in order to try to appear younger (which, by the way, research shows doesn't actually work) is outright insane. But hey, it's like tatoos or piercings or any other self-mutilating body modification - free country, do what you want, but there's something seriously psychologically wrong with these people, and the FDA should not be approving insanity like this.  Then again, since corporations are poisoning our food, air, and water supply for profit, it really doesn't matter, we're all being poisoned anyway.  
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The companies, which have denied the scope of Snowden's allegations, have asked the U.S. government for permission to reveal the precise number of national security requests they receive in order to publicly argue that their cooperation with the government has been relatively limited.


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One health center in Miami managed to enroll 68 people forsubsidized coverage through Healthcare.gov. The center's staffalso had to turn away 24 people who cannot obtain healthcoverage in Florida because its Republican-controlledLegislature has not agreed to join Obamacare's Medicaidexpansion for the poor.
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Michael Jackson also tried to teach them the secrets of songwriting, although the nephew said he didn’t want to give away too many of them during his testimony. In one instance, he said, his uncle played a tape of the Fine Young Cannibals singing “She Drives Me Crazy” over and over, telling him to listen to a different instrument each time.
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"Affordable home refueling is the missing link to public adoption of natural gas vehicles in far greater numbers," said Curtis Martin, program director of the government-funded Clean Cities Coalition in Antelope Valley, California.
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The delay comes as the same companies - which are waginglegal battles in some 10 countries - await a decision from theObama administration on whether to stick with an ITC decisionfinding that some Apple devices infringe a Samsung patent. Thatdecision is now due.
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Alexis the video game freak didn't just pack virtual heat — he carried a loaded .45 handgun with him all the time, said Oui Suthamtewakul, the owner of the Thai restaurant in Fort Worth where the slain gunman worked in exchange for free rent.
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PATUXENT RIVER NAVAL AIR STATION, Md --- One of the top officers overseeing a secretive drone program at this testing base outside Washington, D.C., predicts a future where unmanned aircraft are used for commercial flights.


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Plenty to shock yesterday, but the most rare of all was that the Home Secretary came to the despatch box to announce – hear hear hear! – that Abu Qatada had been deported, writes QUENTIN LETTS.
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WASHINGTON — The deadly mall attack in Kenya is a sign that the al-Qaeda-affiliated group that carried it out has been dealt a blow in Somalia and they are looking to generate headlines with more high-profile attacks in the region, a regional expert says.
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The Tourism Ministry said it was launching a nationwide "I Respect Women" campaign to improve security and "raise awareness about the need for more sensitive behavior toward women." India is particularly worried about its image abroad, after a Swiss bicycle tourist was gang raped in March in central Madhya Pradesh state and an American woman was gang raped in June in the northern resort town of Manali.
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This could shift the diplomatic scenario for a 51-year-old president, whose election in March as Kenya's head of state had already added a new dimension to the ICC prosecution against him. He denies encouraging the post-election violence that killed upwards of 1,200 people.
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Sadly, for anyone who loves baseball, the real A-Rod story is nothing more than one of betrayal — betrayal of all the people who believed him when he told Katie Couric on “60 Minutes” in 2007 that he never used steroids, and when, after admitting that was a lie two years later, he asked fans to “judge me from this day forward.” Betrayal of the Yankees, who gave him that misguided $275 million extension in 2009 on the belief he would supplant Bonds as the “clean” all-time home run champion. Betrayal of his fellow players, who pushed for the strongest drug program in professional sports so they could once and for all remove the spector of steroids that has engulfed them, only to see Rodriguez and his cohorts try to beat the system by doing business with Bosch.
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Two of her sister senators — Republicans Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire — were the first to call Collins and join the effort. "I know my colleagues are tired of hearing about the women in the Senate," Collins said Wednesday, with a smile, as she thanked Murkowski and Ayotte.
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Moreover, by pulling out the hackneyed "children will die" line – which is not the trump card liberals seem to think it is – Schultz misses a few obvious points, the most important being that "children will die" if Obama care becomes law. So will the elderly, people in high risk categories and others who will not be able to get the care they require in a timely fashion because the existing system will be overloaded by the newly enrolled – see Massachusetts, Romneycare – and because of the rationing that will inevitably come to pass when costs need to be cut.
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Investors were also keeping a close eye on corporate results posted so far during earnings season to get a better idea of how, for example, the economic slowdown is playing out in China, the world's No. 2 economy. The latest sign of China's uncertain economic outlook came on Thursday, when an official Chinese survey of manufacturing activity ticked up unexpectedly though remained weak.


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Two brothers-in-law were busted yesterday for allegedly bilking dozens of investors in a nearly $100 million Ponzi scheme — so they could buy swanky homes, luxury cars and a high-end beachfront enclave in Montauk, LI.


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A Suffolk police spokesman said: “A man who died following a diving incident off the coast yesterday is thought to be 49-years-old and from Brixton in London. He was airlifted to the James Paget University Hospital (in Gorleston) following the incident about 17-miles offshore yesterday afternoon (Friday, August 30). A second diver brought ashore by Gorleston lifeboat was taken to the James Paget for assessment but was later discharged.”


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Against Me! front man Tom Gabel rocked the music world by coming out as a transgender with plans to physically become a woman. The 31-year-old Gabel made the announcement in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, revealing that she has suffered from gender dysphoria, a recognized medical condition involving a person's self-perception of their gender. Before going public, Gabel first broke the news to her wife, Heather, to whom she will remain married. Gabel's announcement marks a first in rock history, especially in the machismo world of punk music.
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Beale is schedule to testify Tuesday at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing titled, "Secret Agent Man? Oversight of EPA's IG Investigation of John Beale." Elkins, the EPA inspector general, and other current and former EPA officials are also expected to testify, according to the committee.
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Years ago, I used to rely on CNN news, with Lynn Russell and Bernard Shaw, for the world news at any time of the day. Unfortunately, I have now had to revert to the evening news on the major networks for comprehensive reporting, as I am so tired of the nauseating coverage of Zimmerman, Jodie Arias, Foxy Knoxy, Casey Anthony, etc., and the unbalanced biased right/left leaning reporting and analysis of the cable networks. Lynn and Bernard, where are you?
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And Garfield clearly has been talking about the idea to more than just reporters. When “Amazing Spider-Man 2” director Marc Webb was later approached by the magazine about Garfield’s comments, he responded, “Michael B. Jordan, I know.”
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Although the return of civilian employees will lessen the blow of the government shutdown, Mr Hale cautioned that the Pentagon was still unable to pay death gratuities on time to families of active duty troops who die during the shutdown.


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Indeed, Ms Taittinger’s family on her father’s side is one of the most easily identifiable of all champagne dynasties, while her mother Catherine de Suarez d’Aulan is from the Piper-Heidsieck family. The annual harvest dictated her childhood schedule – more so than school terms or holidays – and she remembers sneaking downstairs to finish off her parents’ half-finished champagne glasses, aged just six.
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The SEC's decision to seek public comments on the controversial report could lay the groundwork for a turf battle between the SEC, the traditional regulator of mutual funds, and the Financial Stability Oversight Council, or FSOC.
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Starter Dillon Gee was brilliant — seven-plus innings, one earned run, three hits and two walks with four strikeouts — and was in position for the win when his team headed to the ninth leading 2-1. But with closer Bobby Parnell day-to-day with a stiff neck, the Mets were forced to turn to David Aardsma to shut the door. Kansas City loaded the bases against him, then tied the game on a sac fly by Lorenzo Cain. Pedro Feliciano, who was called up earlier in the day and arrived at the stadium in the fourth inning, relieved Aardsma and collected the final out of the inning in his first major league appearance since 2010. Carlos Torres (2-2), who was originally slated to start Saturday, ending up getting the win in relief. Jeremy Hefner will move up and start in Torres’ place.
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Albert Moleka, spokesman for leading opposition politicianEtienne Tshisekedi, said that they would welcome Nguesso'smediation in the process but that questions remained over whatwill be on the agenda.


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The U.S. government also filed a brief on Friday, but didnot, as might have been expected, urge Lane to not approve therestructuring plan. Instead the government, through U.S.Attorney Preet Bharara, said it took "no position as to whether"Lane should confirm the plan, but cited the "attendant risk thata confirmed plan may not be able to become effective for aconsiderable time, if at all."
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New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie said in a Friday news conference that the raging fire that destroyed dozens of businesses along a stretch of boardwalk in Seaside Park has been largely contained and vowed to rebuild the stretch that was still recovering from last year’s Superstorm Sandy.
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One current federal prosecutor learned how agents were using SOD tips after a drug agent misled him, the prosecutor told Reuters. In a Florida drug case he was handling, the prosecutor said, a DEA agent told him the investigation of a U.S. citizen began with a tip from an informant. When the prosecutor pressed for more information, he said, a DEA supervisor intervened and revealed that the tip had actually come through the SOD and from an NSA intercept.
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Canelo’s tactics in the early rounds could indeed be the key to the fight. Mendoza believes that Canelo’s best strategy will be to jump on Mayweather and try to hit him anywhere he can — the arms, the shoulders but specially to the body.


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Other than injections, no other insulin preparations havebeen shown to be satisfactorily safe and effective, doctorssaid. Past failures of alternative delivery systems includePfizer Inc's abandonment in 2007 of its inhaled insulinproduct.
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The course, known to Kitz-connoisseurs as the Streif, is a gruelling 3,312 metres that every season challenges the best racers in the world in Super-G, downhill and slalom as they attempt to grip and rip its ice-glazed corners and master its famous jumps, the Mausefalle (Mousetrap) and Hausberg. But today there were no Salomons in sight, no aerodynamic-suited competitors or cheering spectators with rattling cowbells, just me in my flimsy plimsolls (my easyJet cabin bag allowance ruled out walking boots), clutching a bottle of apfelsaft and another of suntan lotion, ''enjoying’’ an alpine hike.
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Unilever, the British-Dutch maker of Dove soap and Knorrsoup, came under an “enormous competitive attack” fromCincinnati-based P&G in categories like shampoos and deodorants,Chief Executive Officer Paul Polman said today after reportingthe weakest quarterly revenue increase in four years.


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Before it will consider contracting with the association again, “they must provide evidence to the director of the Missouri State Fair that they have proof that all officials and subcontractors of the MRCA have successfully participated in sensitivity training,” the commission wrote in a news release.
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“We must take immediate action to address this crisis. Europe has banned bee-harming pesticides, retailers in the UK are refusing to sell them, and stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s have a moral obligation to make the same commitment here in the U.S.,” said Archer. “In the meantime, gardeners should start their plants from untreated seeds or choose organic plants for their gardens.”
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“Al Jazeera is perceived as playing a political role morethan that of a journalist,” said Fatima El-Issawi, who leads aLondon School of Economics research project titled ArabRevolutions: Media Revolutions.


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For its part, the White House said this week Obama had written Rouhani to convey the message "that the U.S. is ready to resolve the nuclear issue in a way that allows Iran to demonstrate that its nuclear program is for exclusively peaceful purposes."


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I bought my Austrian scythe from Simon Fairlie, who came across them by accident. He lived for several years at Tinker’s Bubble, a community where fossil fuels are banned on site. There they made several acres of hay (badly) for several years, struggling with those huge, old English scythes. These tend to “bend the grass over, which then pops back up and laughs at you”, he says. Then he stumbled across an Austrian scythe. These are lighter, nimbler and far easier and safer to use.
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No single party has won a majority in Germany in more than 50 years. Merkel would like to continue governing with her partner of choice, the pro-business Free Democratic Party — but polls have shown support for the smaller party fading from nearly 15% in the 2009 election to around the 5% needed to keep any seats in Parliament.
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Where Medvedev abstained in a U.N. Security Council vote that authorized NATO airstrikes in Libya, Putin has refused repeated entreaties from Washington to allow the world body to impose even minimal sanctions on President Bashar Assad's Syria. At the same time, Putin's government has continued to supply its ally Assad with weapons. And it has not delivered on pledges to coax Assad into sending representatives to talks with the opposition aimed at finding a political solution to the 2-year-old Syrian conflict.


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The 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reserves certain powers to the states to manage their internal affairs, and as a result a U.S. Bankruptcy Court cannot interfere with a state's control over its municipalities. Legal experts said that prevents a judge from telling a city whom to hire and how much to pay.
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IOC, the country's biggest refiner and retailer, sells fuelsat state-set lower prices and gets partial compensation for therevenue losses through federal subsidies. However, because ofthe rupee's slide, its oil import bill has risen sharply, whichhas derailed plans to end subsidies on diesel by June 2013.
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** Brazilian phone company TIM Participaçoes SA is not up for sale, its chief executive told a local newspaper,denying reports that Telecom Italia SpA wants to sellits 67 percent stake. A sale of Brazil's No. 2 wireless companyis one option being considered by Telecom Italia's new chiefexecutive, Marco Patuano, a person familiar with the matter toldReuters last week.
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They claim the "political drive" in the UK and US towards early diagnosis is not backed by evidence of benefit and is part of a pointless "war against dementia" that is producing more commercial opportunities for firms that sell testing tools rather than helping patients at risk of developing the condition.
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“What will be affected are passport and global entry enrollment centers. Many in public buildings will be closed down and the wait for a passport could increase dramatically. There was a backlog of 200,000 during the last shutdown,” Kelly said of the last government shutdown in 1995-1996 under the Clinton Administration.  According to the Congressional Research Service, then between 20-30,000 applications for visas also went unprocessed each of the 27 days the government was halted.
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Weeks ago, I was speaking to a front-office executive from an AL team on another subject when, unsolicited, he said he was intrigued by the thought of what he called “the nuclear winter” the Yankees were facing.
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McDonald’s has struggled in recent years thanks to growing competition, the push for healthier eating habits and tough economic conditions, according to the Associated Press. The Dollar Menu and More, which will replace the existing Extra Value Menu, is part of the chain's strategy to boost sales by drawing in money-cautious customers with more affordable options.
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“The restaurant was full. Everybody ran,” Alipour said. The car went on for several blocks, knocking down a fortune teller who had a table on the boardwalk, a couple selling jewelry and a woman who does tattooing, Alipour said.
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It is easy to see why there’s this “Back to 1965” doomsday scenario enveloping the Yankees right now considering their extensive offseason shopping list that includes, in no particular order, a third baseman, a shortstop, a catcher, at least two frontline starting pitchers, a couple of set-up relievers and a partridge in a pear tree. All this and Robbie (Tippi) Cano too — and, by the way, let’s not forget that $189 million luxury tax threshold they want to get under.
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"The attempt to fit the device to the computer in the Surrey Quays Branch was undertaken by a bogus maintenance engineer pretending to be from a third party," a Santander representative said Friday in an emailed statement. "It failed and no money was ever at risk. No member of Santander staff was involved in this attempted fraud."
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* On Thursday Goldman Sachs Group Inc announced thatrevenue in its fixed-income, currency and commodities division,a powerful unit inside the bank that in better years hasproduced more than 35 percent of its entire revenue, dropped 44percent from year-ago levels. The weakness renewed worries aboutthe headwinds that Goldman and other banks are facing in bigmoney-producing areas like fixed-income trading. ()
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"I can’t help thinking: 'What makes badgers so special?’ We cull deer, we cull birds. It’s not a question of cruelty. Sometimes it is what you have to do to keep the countryside healthy. And now we’ve got this problem of disease to deal with.”
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With a third of the 62 million voters still undecided andthe small Alternative for Germany (AfD) tapping into impatiencewith euro zone bailouts, Europe's most powerful leader risksspending her third term in an awkward right-left coalition.
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This is another yet to be proven leap, but my gut is that the shift from communities to depersonalized networks and sprawling organizations also increases the risk of collapse. It’s not just that highly interdependent networks, when run for efficiency rather than robustness, will be breakage-prone. I recall being very dissatisfied with the way Jacques Tainter in his book Collapse argued that societal decay resulted from the rising costs of complexity in energy terms. While that’s a persuasive argument, he dismissed all theorists who argued from cultural causes basically as Romantics who were decidedly lacking in rigor. The problem, however, is that Tainter ‘fessed up in an aside that the elites in some societies that started on a collapse trajectory were able to pull themselves out of the nosedive and others failed. Yet Tainter had no explanation as to why. If it wasn’t culture, what was it?
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More than 400,000 people voted for Golden Dawn last year -over 20 times as many as in 2009. The criminal case being puttogether by investigating magistrates in Athens, however,focuses on the core of organisers and youth members who appearto number a few thousand nationwide and have been a small butvocal presence on the streets over the past decade or so.
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Aug 2 (Reuters) - The U.S. government, which is pursuing a$5 billion lawsuit accusing Standard & Poor's of misleadinginvestors by inflating its credit ratings, on Friday asked afederal judge move similar cases by 15 U.S. states and theDistrict of Columbia back to state courts.
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Through this 15-plus years of history, these kinds of attacks have caused continuous mischief and sometimes a particular company or other has been especially ravaged. But these have been tactical victories only: nonstate hacking (including hactivism) has hardly ever had any kind of strategically significant results, regardless of the preening claims of the hackers themselves. 


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In that case, the doctors were good enough to support Armstrong’s fraud for years, but in the end, the truth came out. It is much more common for athletes to just waste a lot of money and dignity consulting with quacks who make convincing promises based on pseudo-scientific nonsense.
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"The government is considering how to support and helpAlitalia towards a more realistic solution, which is the mergerwith its French shareholder Air France-KLM. It is evaluatingwhich public entity can help Alitalia in this process," thesource said.
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At the same time it doesn’t have its head in the clouds. It is a lean organisation, with minimal overheads and only two backroom employees. It is fortunate in that its chief sponsor, Arts Council Wales recognises that it cannot aspire to broad public appeal and that its value cannot be measured by mere footfall or box-office takings: “We don’t have a conventional education department, for instance, because it wouldn’t fit with our core mission,” explains McCarthy. “Instead we run a scheme called ‘Make an Aria’, in which composers of the stature of Birtwistle, Weir and Turnage work with postgraduate students through public master classes. It’s a brilliant success.”


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Industry analyst Brad Hintz of Bernstein Research sees banksfighting "a war of attrition over the next three to fiveyears," in their fixed-income trading businesses, he wrote in areport in September.
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When asked what Uefa should do, Touré said: “A lot. If Uefa is strong and all the clubs and all the fans do that [react], it will be fantastic. Maybe close the stadium for a couple of times or maybe for a couple of years, I don’t know. For me, the most important is that as an African player, it’s always sad when you hear something like that.”
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But despite the Cardinals’ three-games-to-one lead in the series, there is much work to be done. The Cardinals will face Zack Greinke, the Dodgers’ right-handed ace, in Wednesday’s Game 5, and if they lose that one, Clayton Kershaw, the left-handed ace, awaits them in Game 6 in St. Louis on Friday night. A year ago, the Cardinals held the same 3-1 lead over the San Francisco Giants through four games, only to lose the next three.


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The mining unit has so far spent $6.49 billion on the mine, which Rio Tinto believes will become the third largest for copper in the world. That investment amounts to more than half the size of Mongolia's $10 billion a year economy.
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Martin performed the same stunt once before, in August 1988 on just his 17th skydive. He decided he wanted to learn to skydive specifically so he could escape from a casket in freefall. He has chronicled his more than four-decade career as an escape artist in a book released this month, "Escape or Die."
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Joe Rundle, head of trading at broker ETX Capital, said: “The outlook for Royal Mail is rocky – there is the possible strike and the uncertainty around future opportunities and competition. Most retail investors are not in it for the long term, which will contribute to the big downward pressure on prices we expect.”
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It found that in 2010, 13.2% of children aged between 10 and 17 were on a diet or doing something else to lose weight. Among girls specifically, this figure rose to almost 17%. Altogether, 10.2% of 10-11 year-olds and 21.6% of 15-17 year-olds were attempting to lose weight.
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A combination with Alcatel-Lucent would increase NSN's market share in the global wireless infrastructure market from 18 percent to more than 30 percent, leapfrogging Huawei and closing in on Ericsson, according to analyst data.


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The 3.2 billion pounds ($5 billion) divestment, five years after Lloyds and rival Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) were bailed out at the height of the credit crunch with a combined 66 billion pounds of taxpayers' cash, represents a milestone in the economy's recovery from the financial crisis.
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U.S. home prices rose 0.6 percent in July on a seasonallyadjusted basis, the S&P/Case Shiller composite index of 20metropolitan areas showed. That was a slightly slower pace thanforecast but a separate report from the U.S. Federal HousingFinance Agency showed U.S. home prices rose 1 percent.
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Analysts linked Davies' appointment to Vimpelcom's recent move to set up an in-house bank aimed to help manage the group's $23 billion net debt that resulted from a more than $6 billion acquisition of Egypt's Orascom Telecom and Italy's Wind in 2010.
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On Monday markets on both sides of the Atlantic slipped as both parties stood firm in this high-stakes game of brinkmanship. The UK’s benchmark index, the FTSE 100, fell 50.44 to 6462.22, while in the US, the Dow Jones dropped 128.57 to 15129.67 and the S&P 500 closed down 10.20 at 1681.55.
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According to questionnaires they filled out, only one panelist believed that the federal prison authorities would be able to keep Wilson in line and, most damning, 10 of the 12 said that Wilson’s life has no value.


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The department also warned that fees for baggage and other services could grow. US Airways charges an average of $40 to redeem frequent-flier miles, while American doesn't, but Baer said the combined airline would charge all passengers the fee to generate $120 million more each year.
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AT&T is seeking new ways to expand as growth in its home market slows, and the U.S. government seems highly unlikely to approve big domestic mergers after turning down the company's bid for T-Mobile USA in 2011.
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The last time England failed to qualify for the World Cup finals was 20 years ago this weekend. Graham Taylor's disastrous campaign was - amazingly - recorded by a Channel 4 documentary crew. That film featured an extraordinary press conference confrontation between England boss Taylor and MailOnline Sport columnist
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Sullivan contacted the CIA and determined Beale never worked for the agency, he told the committee. Beale finally came clean when investigators told him they wanted him to meet them at CIA headquarters. Rather than appear at the meeting, Beale admitted his deception.
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“That’s a hard one,” one personnel director said. “Eli has won a couple of Super Bowls. Peyton and Tom Brady have been the best quarterbacks in the league for a long time. You are asking a guy who would love to have either one of them. But one game to win, I got to take Peyton. I just think he makes everyone around him better. But Eli is a winner. The guy has shown up in big games.”


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“When you’re in a league with Louisville, you learn that if he’s at full speed, and it’s one Russ on three defenders, in his mind, he has the advantage and he’s gonna go,” Villanova coach Jay Wright says. “Teams can’t believe it until it happens.”
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Though seemingly an obvious adjustment, the feedback-inspired ads adjustments could adversely impact marketers' campaigns, which partly explains why Facebook may have been reluctant to pay too close attention to your negative feedback before. "Some marketers may see some variation in the distribution of their ads in the coming weeks," Ge wrote.
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The price of peace is high, and, for Israel, even the price of peace talks is high. Let it never be said that the country did not do its part in these long-shot talks — while the fate of its key peace partner hung in the balance.
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Make sure your barbecue is hot. Pop the fish on skin-side down and leave it alone until the flesh starts to cook through (about three minutes). Once you get to this stage the plates can be made ready. Simply put a flatbread on each plate, followed by the aubergine mix, then the tomato. Once the fish has been flipped over to finish off the flesh, you are ready to complete the dish. Place the fish on the plate and liberally drop the pea mixture over the skin and around the edge of the flatbread. Tackle with knife and fork or your hands.
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If the Rockies could sell such a projection to their fans, they might be more willing to fill out a trade package with pitching, which remains their weakness, as evidenced by their National League-low team ERA. And young pitching is clearly the strength of the Mets’ farm system.


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Tat's enough, Gaga! Mama Monster tweeted a photo of her new tattoo — an anchor on her rib cage. "New Tat. Stamp of His Mermaid," she tweeted along with a thank-you to Amsterdam Tattoo Museum, who inked up the eccentric songstress. This is the second overseas tattoo Gaga has acquired in recent weeks. In early August, she had the word "ARTPOP" inked on her bicep in Australia.
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Washington certainly rose to the challenge last year, winning its final seven games, including two triumphs over Dallas, another over the then-defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants and another over soon-to-be Super Bowl champion Baltimore to capture its first NFC East title since 1999.
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Berke said information in the articles sourced to "a person familiar with the investigation" seemed to come from the government, either the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which has been conducting the investigation, or U.S. prosecutors in New York. He bemoaned the appearance of a Wall Street Journal reporter with a camera at dawn at Steinberg's apartment to film his arrest.
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Bob Costas of NBC Sports waded into the controversy over the Washington Redskins nickname Sunday night, devoting a commentary to the topic at halftime of the nationally televised game between the Redskins and the Dallas Cowboys. 
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As Lydia Christopher, head of industry operations for the NIHR CRN, noted at a recent National Industry Event held by the Network, typically around 20% of the whole CRN portfolio is commercial studies while another 25% of the portfolio has some commercial component.


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Hopefully, not too many citizens are being harmed by some of these practices. Because although Beijing might get tough with the corporate administrators, the people harmed by taking crappy prescription drugs outside of any rationalized protocol, they are the real victims. NOT the shareholders, the consumers.
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"I just want to know if my brother is dead or alive," said one man as he remonstrated with a volunteer supervising access to the morgue. The arrival of another corpse was met by screams of "There is no God but God!"
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Finance ministers and central bankers signed off on a communiqué that acknowledged the benefits of expansive policies in the United States and Japan but highlighted the recession in the euro zone and a slowdown in emerging markets.
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The USTA announced a news conference for Thursday to detail the plans, which are part of a major overhaul of the venue, including the creation of two new stadiums at New York's Billie Jean King National Tennis Center.
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Hurt’s study, which was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, does note that pregnant mothers who use crack risk a host of possible health complications, including drastically higher blood pressure, premature labor, and damage to the placenta.


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The video depicts officers searching Feuerstein inside a jail cell, where she was apparently asked to remove her boots and bra before being removed for additional processing. An officer then grabs the woman by the arm and appears to push her back into the cell. She is then shown striking her head and face on a bench before paramedics respond.
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She said her "Florida Straits Rules" would include no flippers, no shark cage, no getting out of the water, never holding on to the boat, never holding on to the kayak, never being supported by another human being or being lifted up or helped with buoyancy.
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When Carrie Mathison is taking her meds, she can be very pleasant company indeed: a savvy jazz aficionado with confidence and smarts to spare. It’s when she’s off her meds that things tend to get difficult. The lips start trembling. The eyes bulge. Post-it notes get pinned to maps. Colored string is stretched from pushpin to pushpin.
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The head of the 157-year-old Burberry Group Plc wasBritain's highest-paid CEO in the 2011-2012 financial year,taking home 15.6 million pounds ($25 million) thanks in part toa large number of shares awards. She took home 6.8 millionpounds in the 2012/13 fiscal year.
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Last year, the 49ers and Patriots totaled 157, according to Stats LLC, the most since at least 1988. Denver averages 71 plays per game; the Eagles average 66. But rushing to the line with no huddle also allows for extra plays for opponents. Both teams rank near the top in most plays allowed.




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